Κατηγορία: Uncategorized

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AlongRoute’s presence at TIF-HELEXPO in Thessaloniki, September 2023

Joining TIF HELEXPO as exhibitors has been a truly delightful experience for the AlongRoute team. We proudly showcased our cutting-edge solutions and connected with industry leaders, innovators, and fellow tech enthusiasts. On Friday the 15th, we had the honor of a pitch presentation of ourwork delivered by our CEO, Georgia Kalantzi, where we shared our vision

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AlongRoute’s experience at the EBAN Congress in Thessaloniki 2023!

Exciting News from AlongRoute at EBAN Congress in Thessaloniki 2023! We are thrilled to share that AlongRoute had an incredible experience participating in the prestigious EBAN Congress held in Thessaloniki this year. Our team seized this remarkable opportunity to connect with fellow innovators, share our groundbreaking solution, engage in thought-provoking discussions with some of the

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AlongRoute became a member of the si-Cluster

Exciting News!  AlongRoute has officially become a proud member of the si-Cluster! We invite you to connect with us and stay updated on our journey within the si-Cluster! Let’s shape the future of the Space sector! Check out more here:https://www.reporter.gr/Eidhseis/Epicheirhseis/construction-vehicles/563808-Genikh-Syneleysh-twn-melwn-ths-EBIDITE-kai-toy-si-Cluster

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AlongRoute’s pitch at the WMF – We Make Future 2023 event in Rimini!

Exciting news! AlongRoute’s team had an incredible opportunity to pitch our vision at the prestigious WMF – We Make Future 2023 event in Rimini! Check out our pitch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g4yNoAM6sk&t=11s

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