Κατηγορία: Uncategorized

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AlongRoute was the 2nd place winner of the DigiCirc final event – pitch competition

We are thrilled to announce that AlongRoute is one of the winning consortia in the final competition of the DigiCirc! We are honoured to have been selected by the jury alongside other outstanding consortia! We could not have achieved this success without the support and encouragement of our advisors at DigiCirc! Thank you for this

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AlongRoute’s presentation at the 3rd Digital Modern Shipping 2023

We are thrilled to share with you that we had the opportunity to present at the 3rd Digital Modern Shipping conference. For those who missed the conference, you can now catch up with our presentation on YouTube. Follow the link below to watch the full presentation and learn about the exciting advancements in modern shipping.

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AlongRoute has been selected for the second cycle of BlueInvest Readiness Assistance

We are excited to announce that AlongRoute has been selected for the second cycle of BlueInvest Readiness Assistance! This means that we will receive up to 10 days of coaching specifically tailored to our business needs, aimed at increasing our investment readiness. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to work with BlueInvest and take

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AlongRoute’s support and presentation at the 3rd Digital Modern Shipping 2023

Excited to announce that AlongRoute did present as a supporter at the 3rd Digital Modern Shipping Conference in Greece on February 15th! It was focused on the industry’s latest trends, technologies and best practices. This event was a premier opportunity for industry leaders to discuss the latest challenges in the digitalization of the shipping industry,

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