Κατηγορία: Uncategorized

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Dual Presentation

AlongRoute is going to be in two places at the same time tomorrow! While our CEO, Yolanda Kalantzi is going to have tea with the UK Ambassador in Athens, our CFO and COO Kostas Karystinakis is going to present at ScienceDiver Career Days in Thessaloniki! SEa you there! Check the program here:https://www.sciencediver.eu/news-events/auth-career-day/ For more information

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AlongRoute at the UK Embassy in Athens

AlongRoute is having tea with the UK Ambassador! We are thrilled to be invited to this exceptional pitching event for only a few selected, at the Ambassador’s Residence in Athens, Greece. This event is organized by Innovation Greece and hosted by the British Embassy in Athens, and will bring together a select group of startups for

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AlongRoute in just 2 minutes!

Here you can see our CEO, Georgia, acquaint you with AlongRoute in just 2 minutes during the Future of AI and data session at the #WebSummit2022! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVNdyqdTQnA #websummit2022 #startupecosystem #innovation #AlongRoute

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WebSummit 2022, where to begin?

#websummit2022 was quite an event! With over 71k attendees from all over the world! We had the opportunity to meet interesting new people that made us realize how much we miss the pre-pandemic way of socializing!

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