Κατηγορία: Uncategorized

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AlongRoute’s experience at the MIT Global Startup Workshop

We are thrilled to share our experience at the prestigious MIT Global Startup Workshop (MIT GSW) that took place at the Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall. AlongRoute was one of the eight finalists out of 65 applications! It was an absolute honour to be a part of this event, and we are immensely grateful

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AlongRoute featured in epixeiro.gr

Wonderful news! We are delighted to announce that AlongRoute has been featured in an article by epixeiro.gr! Check out the article here

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AlongRoute was selected by ESA BIC Greece as one of the eight Beneficiaries to be supported

Exciting news! AlongRoute has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Greece as one of the eight beneficiaries to receive funding! We are thrilled to be recognized by ESA BIC Greece and to receive this support to help us further develop our innovative technology. Thank you to ESA BIC Greece

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AlongRoute is one of the eight finalists for the GSW MIT Competition 2023

We are excited to announce the AlongRoute is among the 8 finalists of the Pitch Competition for the 2023 MIT Global Startup Workshop in Athens, Greece!  From a pool of 65 start-ups and after two rounds of review by MIT entrepreneurship judges, we emerged as top candidates who have been chosen to compete at this

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