Κατηγορία: Uncategorized

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AlongRoute goes to Rimini!

AlongRoute will travel from Thessaloniki to Rimini for the #WMF We Make Future 2023! On the 17th of December 2022 the Italian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, CISCO Greece, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki, and Emilia-Romagna have all worked together to bring the International Roadshow to Thessaloniki, Greece!  15 Greek startups pitched in front of

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Presenting at the Science Diver research program

In the context of the #ScienceDiver research program (www.sciencediver.eu) and the launch of the online platform https://sciencediver.jobs/ , our COO Kostas Karystinakis presented AlongRoute as a company working in the blue economy ecosystem! He highlighted AlongRoute’s role and contributions within the marine transport industry and he also shared details about the company’s mission, services, and

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AlongRoute becomes a member of Elevate Greece!

We are happy to share that AlongRoute is a member of Elevate Greece! The Ultimate Point of Reference for #Startups in Greece! You can find us here https://elevategreece.gov.gr/startup-database

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AlongRoute pitch at the British Embassy in Athens

What a place to be and what a group of people to be with!  On December 8th, 2022, AlongRoute was one of the ten 🎉 selected startups (out of 49 applications!) to be invited to pitch at the event “UK Funding Opportunities for Greek Innovative SMEs” organized by the British Embassy in Greece along with

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